Meditation for the Forgotten Ones
Categories: Meditation and Military, News
As we celebrate the New Year with much fanfare, we often forget about the ones whom we’ve left behind including our fallen warriors (soldiers).
While many Americans continue with their daily lives as though nothing has ever happened, a fallen warrior’s family and friends lives will be irreparably changed forever. More importantly, when a loss of a love one happens during the holiday or any day throughout the year, it’s even more challenging for the family, comrades and friends to move on.
There comes a point and time in history when we pay respect, honor and homage to the fallen and the ones who’ve paid the ultimate sacrifice. As we give a meditation for life, why not give a sincere meditation for the fallen.
Meditation can take on many forms of engagement; it can even take on the form of honoring a fallen warrior or soldier through a silent meditation, while sending beloved wishes of compassion, gratitude, sincerity and love. There is no harm in wishing well-meaning thoughts for all, including reverence and respect for the fallen…everyone deserves to be loved, even our most honored and beloved.
Thank you for your service and valor, dear warriors (soldiers).
If you know of someone who’s lost a warrior (soldier) in combat theater, maybe an act of compassion for the family and friends may improve their day.
Note: Specifically, with regards to medical issues, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Web site.