Mindfulness Meditation is Growing Faster Than Ever
Categories: Benefits of Meditation
Today, I have some very exciting news. It turns out meditation is spreading across the west like wild fire. As you might imagine, every so often I like to search the Internet for the latest news and research on the subject of meditation. Well, while doing my search today, the first two headlines I saw both addressed this very subject and boasted the recent rise in the use of meditation throughout the western world — links below. Why is it that mediation is gaining so much steam right now? It turns out there are many reasons…
First and foremost, new research being done in the field of neuroscience has been legitimizing and validating the benefits of meditation for quite some time now. Every week there’s a new headline about a new study that just confirmed yet another benefit of meditation. This obviously gives people the confidence to explore the ancient practice and find out for themselves.
Increased Performance
Meditation has been shown to increase the performance of just about any individual in any field or profession. Whether we’re talking about a pro athlete or an accountant, meditation seems to help. Now that companies have caught onto this, they’re making a push for their workers to start meditating. And it’s not just business; schools are realizing this, as well.
Several schools in California have already adopted mindfulness programs, and have seen stunningly impressive results. This is now triggering a chain effect — ever time another school tries meditation and sees great results, even more schools want to try it out, and eventually the trend starts growing exponentially until it’s the norm.
Meditation is Now a Legitimate Treatment
Another reason mindfulness is gaining so much popularity is because it is now being used as a legitimate treatment for many illnesses and conditions, ranging from PTSD to pain management. And, it’s not just used as a treatment, it actually works time and time again, which means patients and their loved ones are saying nothing but good things about what’s it’s been able to do for them.
Meditation has already come such a long way in the west in just the past year. I’m very excited to see how much more it has caught on by this time next year.
Note: Specifically, with regards to medical issues, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Web site.