Applying the Warrior Method of Meditation in Business
Categories: Exercising Your Mind, Health and Wellness, News
When you hear the word “meditation”, what type of person do you typically envision? Do you see a pony-tailed hippie sitting with their legs crossed and fingers in the “OKAY” formation? Or maybe you picture a Buddhist monk contemplating upon the highest point of a mountain? You may even think of startup-rich yuppies meditating on the top of a roof in the heart of downtown San Francisco. Regardless of what you typically think of when you hear the word “meditation”, the stereotypes aren’t always right. Meditation can be beneficial, and applied, to anyone’s life. Whether you’re a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, a rough-around-the-edges soldier, an intellectual professor at a local University, or a tattoo’d chef working long hours serving steaks and seafood—meditation has many benefits that anyone, regardless of profession or background, can reap if they so desire.
In order to understand how meditation can apply to your life, we must first understand the fundamentals of the practice. Meditation combines the practices of contemplation, mindfulness, and relaxation, in an effort to help boost your productivity, increase your awareness, and heighten your endurance, among many other things. These foundational aspects of meditation can not only be applied to a person’s home life, but also their work life. Meditation, in reference to business, has been practiced by some of the world’s most successful CEOs and corporations (including Google employees), accomplished chefs, and recognized leaders—among many other professionals— for decades. So, what does all this mean for you?
If you’re looking to increase your productivity at work—whether you own your own business, work for someone else, or are currently looking for employment—meditation can be a great place to start. Meditation, quintessentially, is the practice of focusing your awareness on the present moment and calmly accepting all that is around you. Instead of worrying about things like past events, future plans, and other worrisome matters, meditation keeps you in the present, and forces you to leave all other worries and anxieties at the door. In business, this aspect of meditation can prove beneficial in helping to deal with clients, appointments, deadlines, and other “scheduled events” that are so much as out of your control. Preparation is of course important too, but worrying about said events or matters beyond what you can help is detrimental to your productivity, and can therefore actually end up hurting you. So the next time you start to worry about a client’s negative feedback, or an upcoming work retreat, take some time to meditate. Doing so can help replace those anxieties, worries and fears with relaxation and understanding.
Note: Specifically, with regards to medical issues, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Web site.