Meditation Flash Mobs are Sparking a New Trend

TQ - Meditation New TrendBack in 2003, a new term was coined: flash mob. The term arose out of need to describe a new phenomenon; one that involved large groups of people suddenly assembling in a public place to perform a random act of weirdness. There are no hard and fast rules for flash mobs — any type of public performance art is fair game — but they typically involve some kind of song and dance.

Enter Meditation Flash mob

For about seven or eight years, flash mobs maintained a common denominator — a troupe of actors or dancers would breakout into some type of ridiculous, attention grabbing stunt. Then a few years ago, something interesting started happening in the UK. A new type of flash mob began to emerge. Large crowds of people started to assemble unexpectedly in public places to sit down and meditate.

The video below shows the first meditation flash mob — or at least one of the earliest ones — but by no means is this something that’s diminished since then. This event started a new trend in the UK, and now it’s starting to spread throughout the rest of the world.

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