One of the things you’ll constantly hear me say on this blog is that you don’t need to meditate for hours at a time, day after day, to get the benefits of meditation. Is that really true, though? Can just a small amount of meditation produce lasting benefits. One comparison I like to frequently use […]
The Easiest Way to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Most of us these days know a lot of the things that contribute to our carbon footprint: gas, cars, electricity, etc… The problem is, how do you give up things like transportation and power, and still live a normal life? Sure, we’d all love to bike to work everyday, but for a lot of us, […]
New Book – Mindfulness Meditation for PTSD, TBI, and Compassion Fatigue
It is estimated that 60 percent of men, and 50 percent of women, will experience a trauma at some point in their life. More than 10 percent of those people will experience post-traumatic stress disorder — PTSD — a debilitating psychiatric disorder characterized by depression, fits of rage, and flashbacks. If that doesn’t sound like […]
Can Meditation Make You Look Younger?
Is meditation the fountain of youth people have been searching for throughout all of history? One man happens to think that it is, and he has the research to back it. Vanity has always been big business, and that hasn’t changed a bit in recent years. Every year, millions of Americans spend their hard earned […]
5 Meditative Activities You Should Try
Are you someone who has many hobbies? Do you enjoying watching movies and listening to music? Are you an active person who likes to exercise and get outdoors? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you already meditate whether you know it not! Anything that demands your attention and shifts your concentration […]
Save Money by Going Green
Getting people to care about the environment is no easy feat. Many people say they want to help the environment, but when it comes time to actually do something about it, they fall short of their initial ambitions. Then there are some people who truly do not care. These people often figure there’s no point […]
Combining Nature and Meditation
Meditation is a technique we use to quiet our minds and dim the hustle and bustle of modern life; of course, nature already offers much of the serenity and tranquility we seek from meditation. When you think about it this way, it makes perfect sense to combine the two. For some people, making an active […]
Don’t Try to Stop Your Thoughts
Have you ever been meditating, and suddenly wondered if you’re doing it incorrectly, because thoughts keep popping into your head? Somehow, a long time ago, it became common knowledge that the purpose of meditation is to stop thinking. This is of course just a myth, and one that probably grew gradually over time from people […]
Treating ADHD with Mindfulness Meditation
“Providing mindfulness treatment for parents and children simultaneously may target those parents high on ADHD, who are shown to be at risk of nonresponse to behavioral parent training.” — Saskia Oord Sometimes the parents of children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder — ADHD — don’t know how to manage their child. This can often lead to […]
Meditation Flash Mobs are Sparking a New Trend
Back in 2003, a new term was coined: flash mob. The term arose out of need to describe a new phenomenon; one that involved large groups of people suddenly assembling in a public place to perform a random act of weirdness. There are no hard and fast rules for flash mobs — any type of […]