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Veterans Dealing with PTSD: Meditation Can Help

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a very serious mental illness, and depression is one of the major symptoms, along with stress and anxiety. PTSD typically affects people who have gone through a physically and/or emotionally traumatic experience, especially soldiers. As surprising as it may seem, more soldiers die from suicide than combat these days. Depression […]


Reduce Loneliness and Improve Your Immune System with Meditation

New research shows that meditation can actually reduce your feelings of loneliness while simultaneously boosting your immune system. The study was conducted at the University of California Los Angeles. Researchers had elderly participants take part in an eight-week meditation program, and then they compared blood samples they took from each of them before the program […]

How Meditation Can Help Your Relationship

Relationships aren’t easy. In fact, most of them are down right hard. Our romantic relationships are often the central narratives of our lives, more important and long lasting than our careers, our hobbies and even parenthood (the kids are going to leave the house sometime, right?) Maintaining these life long bonds can often be tough […]

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Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for centuries. Before studies, research and clinical tests, early practitioners knew the benefits. They felt them, they lived them and carried the practice of mindfulness into the future. Nowadays, meditation is very common, although, many people still have not tried it. Learning the benefits of meditation can be overwhelming. Read further […]