One of the many wonderful things meditation can do for you is it can help you become more aware of your environment — your own personal environment, as well as the entire Earth. I’d like you to do a simple exercise so you can begin to understand what I mean: Wherever you are at this […]
Tag Archives: energy
Simple Ways to Increase the Energy Efficiency in Your Home or Office
Categories: Blog, Living Green
Increasing the energy efficiency in your home and/or office will not only help the environment, but also save you a lot of money. The Environmental Protection Agency – EPA – estimates that the average home spends about $2,200 per year on energy bills. That number might not seem staggering to you, but it’s still a […]
World Water Day 2012
Categories: News
A huge amount of water goes into the food we eat, much more than most people think. Indeed, it takes a thousand times more water to feed the human population than it does to satisfy its thirst. This remarkable relationship between water and food security is exactly what the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization […]