Let’s be honest: Veterans have a lot to worry about upon returning home. From the haphazard medical care provided to them through the VA, to an increased chance of becoming homeless — not to mention all the psychological effects experienced post-war — it’s no wonder why so many veterans have a hard time transitioning back […]
Tag Archives: military
Meditation for the Forgotten Ones
Categories: Meditation and Military, News
As we celebrate the New Year with much fanfare, we often forget about the ones whom we’ve left behind including our fallen warriors (soldiers). While many Americans continue with their daily lives as though nothing has ever happened, a fallen warrior’s family and friends lives will be irreparably changed forever. More importantly, when a loss […]
Meditation for Veterans Day
Categories: Enlightenment, Exercising Your Mind, Meditation and Military, Meditation Tips, Positive Thoughts
As you know, every year, we spend November 11 paying tribute to the brave men and women who have fought to serve our country and protect our freedom. What you might not know is that Veterans Day was once called “Armistice Day,” and it was created to be “a day to be dedicated to the […]
Athletes: Why You Should Meditate
Categories: Benefits of Meditation, Sports Meditation
If you’re an athlete, you’re probably sick of hearing about all the things you “must” do — You must take x, y, and z supplements; you must follow x, y, and z workout routines; etc, etc, etc… Usually, when someone is telling you as an athlete that you really should do something — unless they’re your […]
Meditation for Depression: What is Depression, Really?
Categories: Blog, Health and Wellness, Meditation and Emotions
To ask, “what is depression?” might sound like a silly question, but let’s really think about this for a moment. “Depression” is an overused term these days, to say the least. We hear it so often, it has become so vague it’s nearly lost its meaning. What does depression feel like? How do I know […]
Perfecting Your Meditation Posture
Categories: Blog, Health and Wellness
When people hear the word, “meditation,” they immediately begin to conjure up images in their mind of people sitting in lotus pose — the quintessential yoga pose, whereby you sit on the floor with your legs crossed over one another and your back up straight, stiff as a board. If you’ve ever tried sitting in […]
Veterans Under Stress Looking for Work: Meditation Can Help Bring Balance
Categories: Meditation and Military
It’s ironic that the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our country have such a hard time finding work after they leave the military, but it’s a harsh reality that so many veterans have to face. What so many people don’t realize is that when you leave military-life for […]
Dealing with PTSD Triggers
Categories: Meditation and Military, PTSD
If you’ve been following this blog, you probably know a good deal about PTSD — post-traumatic stress disorder — by now. In case you do not, PTSD is a type of psychological disorder that is brought on by a traumatic experience. As you might imagine, veterans are among the most common to suffer from PTSD […]
Veterans Suffering from Post Traumatic Headaches after TBI
Categories: Meditation and Military, Pain Management
Many of our brave men and women are secretly suffering from chronic headaches that occur after receiving a devastating injury to the head. They are called post traumatic headaches and they are a side effect of traumatic brain injury (TBI). More than 30% of TBI victims report ongoing headaches that continue to worsen after their […]
PTSD and Mindfulness Meditation: New Research Supports its Effectiveness
Categories: Blog, Meditation and Military
PTSD — post traumatic stress disorder — is a topic that gets discussed quite a lot on this site because it is such a prevalent problem and devastating disorder. It is estimated that of the more than 2 million soldiers who have served in Iraq, thousands of them are likely to be suffering from PTSD. PTSD has […]