Tag Archives: military

TBI- Meditation Offers Healing Tips

Please check on this incredible article on TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and Meditation. Tracy Quantum (Tracy Dyson) and Purple Heart Army Staff Sgt. Victor Medina demonstrate simple ways to start the gentle healing process.  Click here: http://health.mil/blog/11-03-17/TBI_Wounded_Warrior_Offers_Healing_Tips.aspx (more…)

Power of the Mind- New Video

How powerful is your mind?  Is it possible to create happiness, loving relationships, abundance, and self esteem through the mind? Can your mind unlock hidden potentials of  job success?  How can negative thoughts vs. positive thoughts affect your environment? Is sustainability possible through the mind? Through this ground breaking video, you’ll discover simple steps to […]

What is Love? Watch Video

What is Love? How do you embrace love in today’s business environment? Is a loving relationship realistic? Is it possible to avoid separation through love? How can you determine whether you’re dating the right person? How can you give more love to yourself?  Can businesses increase market shares while investing in human capital? The answers […]