Tag Archives: Quantum

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The Universe As a Hologram?

For decades, science and the average person have both rightfully theorized that the universe is three-dimensional. With vast research having supported this for quite some time, there had been no reason to second-guess this theory. However, recent calculations have now shown that this original theory may not be the best way to sum up the universe. And […]

TQ  Quantum Physics

Wheeler’s Thought Experiment Explained Through Quantum Physics

Quantum theory is something many people have heard of but few understand. It’s a branch of science that has given us certain nano-technologies such as LEDs, lasers and even computer chips. Recently, however, Quantum theory has brought a couple of scientists together to explore a rather decades-old experiment known as John Wheeler’s delayed-choice “thought experiment”. […]

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How to See the Quantum World with Your Naked Eye

What exactly is the quantum world? We hear that expression all the time these days, but we’re told it’s something we cannot see because it’s so impossibly small — smaller than a single atom. On the subatomic level, amazing things can happen — things we never see happen in ordinary lives. Single particles can be […]

What is Love? Watch Video

What is Love? How do you embrace love in today’s business environment? Is a loving relationship realistic? Is it possible to avoid separation through love? How can you determine whether you’re dating the right person? How can you give more love to yourself?  Can businesses increase market shares while investing in human capital? The answers […]