Quantum theory is something many people have heard of but few understand. It’s a branch of science that has given us certain nano-technologies such as LEDs, lasers and even computer chips. Recently, however, Quantum theory has brought a couple of scientists together to explore a rather decades-old experiment known as John Wheeler’s delayed-choice “thought experiment”. […]
Tag Archives: Quantum Physics
How to See the Quantum World with Your Naked Eye
Categories: Science
What exactly is the quantum world? We hear that expression all the time these days, but we’re told it’s something we cannot see because it’s so impossibly small — smaller than a single atom. On the subatomic level, amazing things can happen — things we never see happen in ordinary lives. Single particles can be […]
Higgs boson: scientists 99.999% sure God Particle has been found
Categories: News
Scientists believe they have captured the elusive “God particle” that gives matter mass and holds the physical fabric of the universe together. (more…)
New Live Meditation Video
Categories: News
Tracy Quantum has released an innovative meditation video, which gently guides you into more fulfilling success, peace, love, health and sustainability. The images and graphics are cutting edge and breathtaking. Click here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=femJJiyT43s (more…)