Tag Archives: veteran


Can Mindfulness Meditation Make You Smarter?

If you have been following my blog, then you’re certainly no stranger to mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation essentially is the act of observing random thoughts that pop into your brain, and then pushing them out to refocus on the present moment. Mindfulness meditation works wonders for a slew of problems, such as depression, anxiety, stress, and even […]

How Meditation Can Help Your Relationship

Relationships aren’t easy. In fact, most of them are down right hard. Our romantic relationships are often the central narratives of our lives, more important and long lasting than our careers, our hobbies and even parenthood (the kids are going to leave the house sometime, right?) Maintaining these life long bonds can often be tough […]


Meditation for Blood Pressure and Heart Health

Meditation has often been thought of as a practice for monks, or even hippies, but chances are, it can benefit you, too. Many Americans suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease. With rising healthcare costs and limited options for effective and inexpensive treatments, meditation to improve blood pressure and the heart is proving an […]

Brain Development

Long-Term Meditation and the Brain

Beginning a meditation practice can yield an array of benefits including lower stress, better sleep and a more relaxed disposition in life. These results can be seen in a matter of weeks, but why stop there? Research is showing enhanced brain development, altered brain wave patterns and increased attentiveness over time in life-long meditators. (more…)


Benefits of Meditation for Athletes

Athletes train in many ways. Aside from normal workout regimens, some athletes might take up yoga or dance while others practice meditation. There are many benefits of meditation for athletes. Sports meditation improves performance, concentration, endurance and reduces tension. It also aids athletes in quicker recovery from injuries and maintaining a healthy immune system. (more…)